Mohamed Ali
Al-Intisar 'ala Abi Darya
Mohamed Ali
Langue: arabe
1. Édition (2010)
Hardcover, pages
Disponibilité: envoi immédiat
36.00 €
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Sieg über Abi Daya. Legenden und die schwere Arbeit der Perlenfischer am Arabischen Golf, wunderbar illustriert. The pearl fleet has returned from another hard season at sea. The legendary guardian of the Sea Kingdom, Abu Derya, has inflicted a terrible defeat and many ships and sailors have been lost. When Rashid's grandmother has a dream in which her grandson's hands are filled with pearls, the villagers are determined to reverse their fortune. But Abu Derya is ready once again to unleash his forces including poisonous jellyfish and a giant whale. Who will be victorious? Altersgruppe 7-10 Jahre. Mohammed Ali, Schriftsteller und Maler aus Qatar.