محمد الطاهر ابن عاشور: تفسير التحرير والتنوير
Tafsir al-Tahrir wa'l-Tanwir
Muhammad at-Tahir ibn 'Aschur
Maison Souhnoun Tunis
Langue: arabe
10. Édition (1997)
Hardcover, ca. 5000 pages
ISBN 9973767233
Disponibilité: livraison prend 3-5 semaines
0.00 €
alle 30 Bücher in 12 Bänden; mit Kunstledereinband und Panoramarücken
The work of Qur'anic exegesis by Muhammad al-Tahir ibn Ashur, a major figure within the Islamic Modernism movement. The 1984 book is a culmination of his fifty years of work, and ibn Ashur poured in all of his innovative and reformist approaches toward hermeneutical engagement. The 1984 book is considered one of the most important contemporary Qur'anic exegesis to this day.