Halim Barakat

Audat at-ta'ir ila al-bahr
Halim Barakat
Sprache: Arabisch
1. Auflage (2000)
Taschenbuch, 198 Seiten
Verfügbarkeit: Lieferzeit 3-5 Wochen
0.00 €
Days of Dust. ince we live in the West, we get the West's version of history. Halim Barakat, a leboaese christian offers us an amazing fictional look at the Six Days War that not only crystilizes non-Israeli sentiment on the issue, but created a form of Arabic revolutionary literature when first published. Barakat's work is persuasive, fiery prose, intercutting several characters but mainly concerning itself with Ramzy (or - symbol -) his autobiographical main character. This book is one of the more powerful 180 pages I've read, and the introduction by Edward Said is really great. The book occasionally lurches toward self indulgence, but considering that Barakat is not a novelist by trade, I think this is excusable. By this book. Read it. Change your mode of thought. T